21st Century Advertising Breakdown Webzine on how our surreal pop culture is infecting advertising

21st Century Advertising Breakdown is a webzine about the way advertising and branding towards a young audience has taken a turn towards the bizarre and surreal, building on the similar turn in humor. There is a very blurry line between these self-consciously weird advertising and advertising that simply satirizes itself, and I attempted to explore this through the disorienting format of the webzine itself.

The design plays with positive and negative space and hierarchy, using motion to convey the function of UI elements over standard design techniques such as color, font, weight, and so on. This is obviously bad for ease of use, and is designed to put the user in a similar place to the consumer of "weird advertising," where atypical cues need to be used in order to be literate about the intention and result of the media the consumer is viewing.